Economic Research Report No. (ERR-339) 34 pp

September 2024

The Effect of Climate Change on Herbaceous Biomass and Implications for Global Cattle Production

Climate change may affect livestock production—particularly cattle—by changing the available herbaceous biomass (nonwoody plants such as grasses that are consumed by livestock) on rangelands. This report estimates changes in herbaceous biomass on rangelands by 2050, under a high-greenhouse gas concentration climate change scenario. This report also estimates how these changes may affect beef and milk production globally and regionally.

How to Cite:

Vaiknoras, K., Kiker, G., Nkonya, E. M., Morgan, S., Beckman, J., Johnson, M. E., & Ivanic, M. (2024). The effect of climate change on herbaceous biomass and implications for global cattle production (Report No. ERR-339). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.

Keywords: Climate change, cattle, meat production, milk production, rangelands, herbaceous biomass, simulation model, G-Range

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