Market Outlook

See the latest Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook report.

Report Summary

Pork/Hogs: Processor spreads dropped in November as pork product prices declined more rapidly than hog product prices. It is notable, however, that both fourth-quarter hog prices and wholesale pork prices are expected to remain above year-earlier price levels due to fewer numbers of slaughter-ready hogs than anticipated, supporting wholesale pork prices thus far in the fourth quarter. Fourth-quarter hog prices are raised to $62 per cwt, almost 16 percent above prices a year ago, while pork production is lowered slightly to 7.24 billion pounds, still about 1 percent higher than fourth-quarter 2023 pork production. October pork exports were almost 2 percent higher than a year earlier, but weakness in shipments to Mexico weighed on the total October export volume. The fourth-quarter export forecast is lowered 35 million pounds to 1.875 billion pounds due to expectations of higher U.S. hog and pork prices for the balance of 2024.